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Process, Skills & Technology

Definition of Processes, Skills, & Technology

Processes, Skills, & Technology includes an understanding of processes used by colleges and departments and how they interact with each other. A required proficiency with the institution’s financial systems and tools, determining which financial system or tool is appropriate to conduct business transactions between University entities. It includes an understanding of processes and which tools the university uses to transact with outside entities such as businesses, other Universities, and with the Church of Jesus Christ. An ability to understand and utilize changing technology to improve processes, and tools internally and external to BYU. An ability to evaluate suppliers, negotiate agreements or contracts. A proven ability to develop key relationships internally and with external supplier that bring strategic and forward thinking solutions to existing processes, skills and technology.

Technical Specialist: Proven ability to use basic computer software such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook. Ability to use a basic office phone system. Early understanding of processes and which tools affect their work responsibilities. Understanding of basic supplier evaluation, qualification, and selection processes. Has a basic understanding of Category Management. Ability to obtain a supplier D&B (Dun & Bradstreet) report. Proficient at basic product acquisition, receiving functions, merchandising, sales and accounting within processes and tools.

Sr. Technical Specialist: Proven ability to effectively use specific software and tools in order to perform the basic day-to-day duties of their position. Proven ability to follow processes and procedures applicable to core job duties. Must be able to carry out these tasks without assistance or supervision. Demonstrates a proficiency with internal college/department processes and tools related to their responsibilities. Demonstrates an ability to use a requisitioning and/or a travel process effectively within the University environment. Basic understanding of RFP (Request for Proposal) and Contract processes. Participates as a team member in supplier negotiations. Proficient in handling unique or problem product acquisition within processes and tools. Understanding of how inventory and surplus are handled. Shows willingness to provide positive feedback and solutions on existing processes, tools, and technology to be considered as improvement opportunities by the organization.

Professional: Proven ability to use position specific systems and tools for in depth tasks that go beyond day to day transactions. Ability to train campus users and other members of the Professional Community on software and systems relevant to their position. Ability to drive campus transactions to the appropriate system. A proven ability to set up and acquire products with meet organizational goals in sales and turnover. Demonstrates an ability to connect new tools and systems inside the university which benefit their responsibilities. Capable of working with inventory and surplus processes and tools. Demonstrates collaboration with other internal entities and individuals to improve processes and tools. Must demonstrate knowledge of who to contact when information or maintenance is required on a specific system. Demonstrates a proficiency with processes and tools from external BYU sources which affect their responsibilities. Demonstrates proficiency in seeking, evaluating, and managing proposals from outside entities to the University. Understands category management and can recommend and take action on improvements. Proficient ability to qualify suppliers within processes and tools along with outside evaluations such as D&B. Knowledgeable on all RFP and Contract language. Proven ability to plan negotiation strategies that are beneficial to both parties and compliant with processes and tools.

Sr. Professional: Proven ability to use the analytics tools available. Must demonstrate an ability to both navigate the tools and to make sound business assessments and strategic decisions based on the information they provide. Demonstrates an ability to connect new tools and systems outside the university which derive benefit to their responsibilities. Must be in a trusted position to recommend process and tool improvements. Demonstrated lead on negotiations and ability to connect with individuals in strategic positions both within and outside the organization. Proven ability to model and manage product lifecycle stages and seasonal demand within your responsibilities.

Leader: Demonstrate knowledge of all systems and software that are connected (directly and indirectly) to each core system required for operations. This includes systems used by peers. Must demonstrate an understanding of what each system does, how they affect one another and who the key users are. Must demonstrate ability to manage and complete new systems, processes, or tools for the improvement of their responsibilities. Must show ability to lead others in adoption of new processes and tools. Knowledgeable on ecommerce tools and how they relate to current processes and tools. Demonstrated ability to find, organize, and bring together interdepartmental / college leadership and outside suppliers or solutions that improve upon existing competences. Proven ability to research and develop product opportunities that meet organizational goals.

Sr. Leader: Demonstrate knowledge of systems trends within industry and how our current systems compare or differentiate. Identify which systems need upgrades or replacement based on current and future needs. Demonstrate ability to lead and implement system changes when necessary. Identify technology trends or strategies and lead conceptualization, design and implementation for their responsibilities. Inspire and mentor others to seek improved processes, skills and technology for the betterment of their responsibilities. Inspire and mentor others in supply and logistic strategies which will lead to best practices within accepted operational guidelines. Leader and inspire through strategic changes that guide the organization towards the future. Mentor others on researching and developing product opportunities that meet organizational goals and promote strong brand awareness.

How to Develop Processes, Skills, & Technology

University Courses & certifications:

· Bachelor’s degree-accounting, business, finance or related fields

· Master’s degree-accounting, business, finance or related field

Training / Other Courses:

· Direct Supervisor training-specifics, background, expectations

· Y-Train and additional training for systems within responsibility

· ISM Mastery Model (Fundamental, Proficient, Advanced, Mastery)

· The Travel Institute training modules

· HRD Critical Conversations training courses; develop and practice role play responses to challenging situations with a peer or supervisor

· LinkedIn Learning such as Business Software and Tools

· Udemy online courses such as Tableau, Business Analysis Fundamentals, The Business Intelligence Analyst , etc.

· eCornell Online learning courses such as the Technology Leadership Certificate, Change Management Certificate, etc

· Continued professional training through industry conferences, university meetings and business reading.

· Supervisor coaching on resource utilization.

Professional Associations / Certifications:

· CPSM (Certified Professional Supply Management)

· CTA (Certified Travel Associate)

· CTC (Certified Travel Counselor)

· CTIE (Certified Travel Industry Executive)

· LinkedIn Learning Certification

· Udemy Certification

· eCornell Online Certificate

· Conferences to build industry skills, awareness and relationships

Books / Publications:

· Business publications


· After completing the Y-Train - Basic Cardholder Training, demonstrate to your Supervisor how the University credit card system compliments and affects your area of work.

· After completing the Y-Train – Fast Track Training, demonstrate to your Supervisor how the University Fast Track system provides guidance for limited authorized purchases and what important considerations are required for independent contractors.

· After completing the Y-Train – Simply Travel, demonstrate to your Supervisor how the University Simply Travel can be used both for University business and for personal use.

· After completing the Y-Expense - Purchasing Card Transaction Training and Travel Transaction Training – demonstrate to your Supervisor how the University Y-Expense system is a critical component to university travel, and expense reporting.

· After completing the Y-Train – Y-Marketplace Training, demonstrate to your Supervisor how the University Y-Marketplace requisitioning process affects your area of work.

· Participate in Supply Chain Management courses offered by your organization or another institution.

· Attend ISM monthly meetings and become involved in their organization.

· Improve the processes with a specific supplier such as improving a manual process with an electron process.

· Organize or participate in a process improvement committee that will benefit your organization.

· Identify and improve a cradle to grave group travel process in your institution.

· Participate as a team member in all negotiation phases from identifying a need through signature of the agreement.

· Evaluate an existing agreement or contract and initiate action to improve the agreement or contract at renewal.

· Take an eISM Webinar such as “Surviving the Future of Procurement – Driving Digital Transformation Forward and How to Start” and discuss with 3 of your co-workers and manager how the information may benefit your present processes, tools, or technology.

· Participate in NetSuite training and demonstrate improvement in abilities to manage product lifecycle and timely re-order.

· Review a job application from ISM and pick a skill set listed in the job application that you would like to improve your capabilities. Review with your supervisor who that skill set will improve your capabilities and contributions to the University.

· Research and improve an existing product or seasonal product that successfully improves upon organizational goals.

· Listen to an ISM podcast such as “Global Supply Management Strategies” and discuss with your team how it might relate to your current processes and tools.

· Meet with and coordinate with all parties necessary to bring an outside vendor onto the Y-Marketplace.

· Exam and analyze a product life cycle recommending improvements that would benefit the organization.

· Research and implement a new seasonal product that proves to successfully add to the organizational goals.

· Research a new product and present a use case with improve sales, turnover, or margin that would improve the organization’s business.

· Coordinate and help train in the monthly Y-Expense training class. Respond to any questions that may have resulted from the training.

· Provide customized on-site training to a college or department seeking help with a University tool or process.

· Attend a course such as Lean Analytics from the Lean Academy ( Lean Analytics is an interactive course intended to help you understand process improvement, how to use data visuals to effectively tell your story, and which tools to use in a lean management system. Discuss with your supervisor how analytics from another industry might improve analytics in your work related area. Devise a plan to implement improved analytics.

· Analyze an existing process or tool and provide a course of action to improve its effectiveness or efficiency.

· Analyze suppliers of similar commodities and present for review whether the institution benefits from relationships with all the suppliers or the institution would benefit from fewer key suppliers and relationships.

· Lead an RFP (request for Proposal) for a commodity or services need for your institution.

· Meet with the University CSR (Computer Support Representative) coordinator, and prepare and train campus CSR’s on systems and tools related to your area.

· Identify key decision makers from Suppliers and develop a relationship the benefits the organization.

· Host key supplier executives and help them understand your organization’s needs.

· Participate as a presenter in industry conferences and as industry association officer or leader.

· Research ecommerce systems and present to your supervisor why our system is best practice for the University or why another system should be considered as a replacement.

· Visit 3 other institutions and review their processes, tools, and technology and assess and evaluate benefits that might improve your present environment. Develop a plan to implement those improvements.

· Advise appropriate University Vice President and the President’s Council on plans and future needs that will improve institutional processes or tools.

How to Demonstrate - Processes, Skills, & Technology

DO: Describe what you did in completing / achieving your development plan.

· Describe your mutually agreed upon assignment or other chosen but related activity and why you chose it.

· Share other activities or opportunities that surfaced while engaged in your chosen approach and how they captured your attention in support of your chosen direction.

· Share experiential discoveries using before and after comparisons describing what you learned and how it has changed your approach to life and business.

ASSESS: Share, if applicable, any assessments that were taken /provided related to your journey.

· Describe formal assessments you chose and participated in along with their results. Why did you choose them? What were the take aways? How did they affect change in your behaviors and/or approach?

· If no formal assessment is available, be prepared to explain your own assessment of your journey in this area and any results coming from you efforts.

· Report feedback from others you interact with that authenticates claimed positive change or progress.

LEARN: Explain what you felt that you were able to learn during your journey / experiences.

· Discuss your developmental learning experience. Specifically include new knowledge acquired, changes in outlooks resulting from the learning, and any ah-ha experiences that have permanently altered your approach going forward.

· Articulate learned principles, practice and new awareness incorporated as a result of new learning.

APPLY: Give specific examples where you have, or plan to make direct changes to your work.

· Explain revelatory experiences you encountered or other practical knowledge you have incorporated into your work that has changed your approach to your current responsibilities or that you expect to help you as you move forward.

· Share how your new approaches to your work is impacting specific work and relationship outcomes.

REFLECT: Review / consider things you would have done differently had you learned these things earlier.

· Think back on your work and/or life approach before your recent learning and progress in your current selected journey. Identify any weaknesses that held you back from progressing.

· Share specific experiences where past outcomes could have been different if you knew then what you know now. Project possible future experience examples where you may be able to predict positive outcomes directly related to your recent learning.